Collection: [PPFM]

PPFM, or "PEYTON PLACE FOR MEN," is a Japanese collective that emerged in 1985 under the FIVE FOXes Company Ltd. umbrella, known for various brands, notably COMME ÇA. Operating until their S/S 2014 collection, PPFM initially focused on a modest, classic look in the 80s, embodying a Western-inspired Japanese business casual style. By the 90s, the brand transitioned into a more youth-oriented street-style approach, marked by bold branding and vibrant designs. PPFM explored diverse styles, including Peaceful Place for Military, Power Peoper FM, PPFM Juliet, and PPFM Engineering. With a peak of at least 50 stores, the brand's products showcased versatility, from streetwear to small electronics collections. Post-2001, PPFM evolved into a distinct Japanese street casual style, drawing inspiration from musical elements like British punk and rock. Today, PPFM remains a notable chapter in Japanese fashion history.

1 product