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The Autumn Winter 2020 Vetements show was Guram Gvasalia’s first show without his brother Demna. He aimed to “strip down the bullshit” from fashion shows, using less makeup, small lighting, and having the audience sat on beer benches. Guram felt in fashion that the spotlight was taken away from the clothes so he aimed to take this show back to the basics.

Marketing is Guram’s forte hence why Vetements skyrocketed in the age of social media with their garments playing into meme culture and tailored towards younger audiences. This hoodie features a remake of the International Criminal Police Organisation, Interpol, logo with a Vetements twist on a thick navy blue hoodie.

Size XS (very oversized)

Great condition, no flaws.

Regular price £370.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £370.00 GBP
Sale Sold out
Tax included.
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